
The Struggle Within

July 5, 2018 Keith Whelan

I was apprehensive at first when I sat down to write this post. Most of you, in fact, I assume that all of you reading this are established entrepreneurs well versed in most things business […]

23 hour days

Yeah. Being an Entrepreneur Can Suck.

March 1, 2018 Adrian Miller

I’ve been an entrepreneur for a long time, 30 years to be exact. Back in the dark ages. Back when there were few if any support groups, networking communities, readily available podcasts, webinars and online […]


The Winter of My Discontent

January 8, 2018 Adrian Miller

I admit it. It’s only January and I’ve gotten pretty sick of winter. It’s been particularly nasty here in New York and it’s dragging me down, to the point where sitting at my computer and […]


Entrepreneurship Is Not For Sissies

October 31, 2017 Steve Isaacson

Being in business for yourself can be a “long and winding road” with many bumps along the way. I started working in my dad’s bindery, while teaching myself about the printing business and computer graphics. […]


The First Few Years Are the Test

April 20, 2017 Simone DeCunha

The first few years are the test… Statistics generally indicate the first four to five years are the “survival years”. Let’s be honest. Survival must also take into consideration the amount of intelligent effort put […]